for a sustainable
hotel industry

Far from being a trend effect for Eklo, environmental and societal issues are firmly anchored in our DNA. Since 2014, we've been doing everything we can to offer a new generation of hotels, accessible to all, and thus contribute to the development of responsible tourism. 

Eklo hotels have been awarded the Green Key label*

In 2025, 9 of our hotels were awarded the Green Key label, the first international ecolabel for tourism. This distinction is based on 70 criterias, reflecting our commitments in terms of water, energy and waste management, responsible purchasing, quality of the living environment, and raising awareness of sustainable development.

*Excluding Eklo Le Havre and Eklo Le Mans

Our commitments to responsible hospitality

In our hotels

Since 2019, seven of our hotels have been audited by Betterfly Tourism to assess the environmental impact of an overnight stay with breakfast at Eklo.

Eklo is the first hotel group to obtain the A ecoscore, with an index of 24.26, a performance higher than the average of 50.39 for hotels audited by Betterfly Toursim.

From construction to operation

From the construction and development, Eklo sets up in every town with the aim of becoming firmly rooted in the local area and close to public transport to encourage soft mobility. Photovoltaic panels, water aerators, connection to district heating networks, eco-materials, second-hand materials... Right from the design stage, we think of everything to reduce our impact.

During its operations, Eklo works to promote environmentally-friendly tourism by educating its customers about more sustainable choices. Eco-labelled cleaning products, spacing out the frequency with which sheets and towels are changed during a stay, welcoming biodiversity... everything is designed to offer more ecological holidays.

Right down to the plate, we are committed to responsible catering by offering French and seasonal produce. All our dishes are homemade, and we make a point of expanding our vegetarian offering every time we change the menu.

To find out more about our commitments, read our environmental charter.

To engage our contributors

La Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat (CEC)

In 2024, the Group's managers joined the Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat Nouvelle Aquitaine (CEC). This association, which is recognised as being in the public interest, aims to reconcile the economy and the environment by helping economic players to define a roadmap for moving from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy by 2030.



We have set up a CSR committee...

To involve all our employees in our approach, we rely on collective intelligence! We have set up a CSR Committee, made up of members with complementary skills and expertise, to drive forward our CSR strategy and ensure that the Group's ecological commitments are respected.

...and a ‘Colibris’ team

In each hotel, we have elected a ‘Colibri’, a sustainable development ambassador, from among our operational teams. He or she is responsible for implementing concrete actions in his/her hotel, ensuring that our commitments are respected and mobilising staff around our committed actions.

Training and awareness-raising for all

Because to take action we need to understand, Eklo raises awareness of environmental issues among all its employees through training on the Group's sustainable approach and through the Fresque du Climat, an awareness-raising workshop on climate issues. In 2025, we plan to dedicate 650 hours to team training and awareness-raising. 

Eklo at the service of the collective

Take care of our team

Because they are the main wealth of the group, we're committed to ensuring the well-being of our teams. At Eklo, performance goes hand in hand with conviviality, communicative energy and personal fulfilment. For us, personality takes precedence over profile and skills. We give everyone a chance and make it a point of honour to offer a work organisation that reconciles work-life balance.

To take things even further, our priorities for 2025 are training, inclusion and internal mobility.

of respondents to our 2024 social barometer are proud to work at Eklo.

Raising awareness and giving the keys

We're committed to staying positive when it comes to ecology, so that our customers can get to grips with environmental issues in a fun way and inspire them to take action for tomorrow.
How? Thanks to our eco-tourist guide, which offers local, low-impact experiences in every city, and our clever tips scattered around our hotels.

Animating and creating links

We forge partnerships with local associations to help raise the profile of the region. At the same time, our hotels organise events open to all, committed to the community and the environment, such as creative workshops with local artisan, Giving Tuesday, Pink October, World Clean up Day...


And also...

Eklo Hotels - Concept


Eklo Hotels - Actualités


Eklo Hotels - Recrutement
